Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Breathing Techniques Reduce Test Anxiety and Increase Performance

Have you ever been disappointed with a test score because you knew you could have done better but were just so nervous you didn’t do your best? How about on a job interview, or when giving an important presentation?

It turns out just by breathing a certain way, you can increase your performance, here's how.

When we are anxious or nervous our breathing changes from deep diaphragmatic breaths to shallow chest breathing.  This kind of breathing restricts oxygen flow to the cells of the body and may cause drowsiness, irritability and even headaches.

On the other hand, breathing in a slow, regular, or conscious manner can help to reverse the effects of the stress response.  Deep breathing techniques have been used for years to help with many stress producing conditions from the pain of childbirth to the pressures of sports or the performing arts.  This is because anxiety (which produces shallow breathing) intensifies pain and lowers performance. Relaxing breathing lowers anxiety, relieves tension, and reduces pain.

Focusing on your breath also brings your mind back to what is happening now, instead of worrying about what might happen in the future. Fear of future events tightens muscles and restricts blood flow to areas that need it now, like the brain. This can reduce performance whether it is on the field, court, or testing center.

So next time you find yourself in a tense situation, try some relaxation breathing techniques to help limit the negative effects of stress so you can perform your best. They can be very effective and don’t take a lot of time.

The key is to practice a few times before the test so your body knows it is time to relax.

Many people prefer practicing with a breathing exercise download because it has music that drowns out distractions and helps your brain move from the beta brain wave activity to the alpha and other lower levels of brainwaves. This is where optimal relaxation and restorative rest can occur in a short period of time.

These breathing exercises also have directions to help you focus on your breathing, which keeps your mind in the here and now, rather than wandering off thinking about future events.

Here is one you can try from the book “The World is Not a Stressful Place.” If you want to listen to a download instead scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Restful Breathing Exercise

Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing. Don’t try to change anything yet, just tune into your rhythmic breathing pattern. Keep your attention on your breath. If you notice yourself thinking of other things, gently bring our thoughts back to your breathing. You may want to place your hands on your stomach.

After a few minutes of attentive breathing, begin to change your breathing pattern by allowing your breath to go down as deep as possible into the lowest reaches of your lungs. When you do this your stomach will naturally move out. Don’t concern yourself with how quickly or slowly you inhale and exhale. Just focus on the depth of your inhalations and the ease of your exhalations. Notice your hands, if they are resting on your stomach, moving out as you inhale and moving back in as you exhale.

To help you maintain your focus on this deep, slow breathing, use this counting method: Start counting backward from twenty (or whatever number you choose). When you inhale, say the number “twenty.” When you exhale, say the word “relax.” Inhale again and say the number “nineteen.” On the next exhalation, say, “relax.” Continue down this way until you reach zero.

If you notice your mind start to wander (it very likely will), gently bring your thoughts back to the relaxing rhythm of your breathing and your counting. Your breathing will naturally become slower and deeper as you do this.

You may increase the effect by holding the breath between the inhalation and exhalation. When you inhale, say the word “twenty.” Hold the breath for three or four seconds. Then begin to exhale slowly. Once all of the air is expelled, pause briefly before your next inhalation.

For a Restful Breathing download with music click here.

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