Friday, February 5, 2010

The Advantages of Being Really Out of Shape

There are many obvious advantages to being in shape, but what about being out of shape?

People who are fit tend to look good, feel good, have more energy, less disease, can wear the clothes they want to wear, and can do the things they want to do. They are healthier, happier, they get better sleep, have better quality lives, live longer, and have more self confidence. They also fit into the movie seats at the local theater, don't have to pay more for airline tickets, have better sex lives, can be more fun to be around, better parents, and they can eat more without feeling guilty. Yes- fit people can eat more without getting fat.

But what about the advantages of being really out of shape? Well, there is a big one and here it is . . .

People who are really out of shape, who start exercising, get fitter faster!

The fact is your body wants to be in shape. It wants to be healthy. It wants to look good. It wants to be hot! So, the more out of shape you are, the faster your body will respond to your exercise efforts.
Think of the Olympic athlete. Those guys work out for 8 to 10 hours a day for months and years at at time just to improve their scores by a hundredth of a second. Someone who is really out of shape can go for a 30 minute walk each day and reduce their risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, by 20, 30, even 40% - right off the bat! Wow!

And it isn’t just reducing the risk of disease, by beginning an exercise program your body will jump start other areas too, like weight loss, muscle strength, energy levels, intellectual, emotional, and social enhancements, self esteem, and yes, looking and feeling sexy again.

So just what is the best exercise, and how much of it do you need to do? 
Research has shown over and over and over again, that if you want the benefits, you should accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most or preferably all days of the week for the rest of your life.

So for beginners, remember three things.

First, you don’t have to exercise for 30 minutes at a time. If you’d like to break it up into three 10 minute sessions, that’s fine too. Just accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day.

Second, moderate-intensity means you are working your heart and lung muscles enough so that they must recover and get stronger for the next day. You can monitor this by your breathing. If you feel out of breath or you are gasping, you are working too hard. If you are easily breathing you need to work harder.

The talk test is another way to measure your intensity. If you can sing while you are working out, you might be having too much fun and you’re not working out hard enough. If you can’t talk at all, slow it down. If you can talk, but you are also breathing more, you are probably in the right range.

Third, what exercise should you do? The absolute best, no questions, hands down, exercise is . . . the one you will do! Just do one! It doesn’t matter how great other activities are if you won’t do them. So pick one or two that you will do and get to it! Walking, swimming, yoga, shooting hoops, an aerobics DVD, spinning class, snow showing, gardening, elliptical machine, whatever it is you will do – just do something.

Most people are more committed to exercise if they find a buddy to go with them. Making exercise a social event isn’t necessary but it is an excellent idea. Friends help keep friends motivated and exercising is more fun that way. If we are committed to someone else, we are more likely to continue. Remember, if you stop moving, you not only stop progressing, you slide backwards.

My sister used to tell me, “Move it or Lose it,” when she wanted me to help clean the house. (She scared me sometimes), but the same principal is true with the bodies we live in. If we don’t move them, we'll lose them.

So go- and have fun!

For more information on getting fit I recommend the following books. They are both excellent.


  1. I loved this blog!!!! So many people just look at the negative. Even those who are really out of shape find it hard to find anything good about it. Being depressed and pulling apart what little self esteem you have left is not going to help you get back in shape anymore then eating that whole bag of low fat chips will. However finding even the tiniest little positive can help motivate a person to move moutians. I loved this. I thought it was so motivating and informative.

  2. This is a really good blog. I would consider myself in a class between being in shape and being really out of shape. It never occured to me that being out of shape can be a good thing in the sense that results will be just as beneficial or even more beneficial. This blog is a great motivater to those who always feel that getting in shape takes to much time and is hard. A small effort goes a great distance in improving health. Any effort is better than no effort. I really liked how Shanyn Olpin put this tipic into prospective and I will use this as a source for individuals I know personally.

  3. There is no place to go from the very bottom them up. Alot of people who are out of shape feel they are stuck and can't do anything to get in better shape when what you can do is something. It seems like a silly slogan of Nike's but it sums it all up: Just Do It!.

  4. I Really enjoyed this blog as well. The title caught my attention cause I really was interested in finding out what were the advantages of being overweight. Well now I know and I had never tought of it that way. But it is true that you can get fitter alot faster.

  5. I think exercise is hard to do on a day to day basis. My life is so full as a working college student I can't seem to find the time to work out. Trust me I know it always feels better when I have done it because it seems to give me more energy. I think exercise is a good way to stay happy and health because when I do exercise I am a better person to be around. by finding the will to do it will only make my life better.

  6. I loved reading this article. I think that this gives real motivation to people who are over weight and are to depressed with thier lives to start exercising again. For all of the negatives there are to being overweight, this gives people some hope. Even for people who are in shape this article is motivating in the sense that all you need is at least 30 mins of cardio each day to be fit.

  7. This article was hilarious! I have been telling myself the same thing since I got married and stopped playing college soccer. I feel better about my workouts and I feel like I work out on my own time and sometimes make it a social outting with friends! Zumba is something I have seriously considered and am excited to try because its working out and having a great times while creating the body you feel confident in. It seems that time is very hard to find when going to school and working full time, so this article made me feel that much better about my short thirty min. workout I get once a week.

  8. Wow! This was a great blog!! I never realized there were benefits to being out of shape! I am not completely out of shape but there are things I need to work on, I thought it would take a while to burn off those calories and fat, but after this blog I guess not, I am going straight to the gym to work out now!

  9. I really like this because it is motivational. To me it is encouraging to those who may not be in shape and telling you that it's not too late to start exercising. If you do, it'll be easier for you to see results than in shape people will. It doesn't take a lot of work either!

  10. Very interesting blog. This blog will help people who are bigger to maybe start exercising and those that exercise already, to work even harder. The blog showed many examples of positive things exercise does, which i like. It makes me myself want to go exercise right now.

  11. I loved this blog! Shedding a bit of light on such a (usually) negative topic should help many people out of their obesity rut. Personally, I have to do at least thirty minutes of pilates every day. If I skip a day, my day feels incomplete. I also love running. When I run, it helps to keep my body and mind in shape. It's nice to have that period of time in the day to just run, and review what's going on in my life at the moment.

  12. I, too, was interested by this title. I was thinking what possible benefit could being overweight have! Now I know. I have had the problem where I am not seeing any results. I feel like exercise enought, but I just never feel any stronger. I recently started the workout series P90X and I am loving it! It kicks my butt every day, but I expect to see results by the time I am done. I can't wait to have really ripped abs. If anyone wants to see what kind of results an overweight person can get on this program watch the infomercial "Get Ripped in 90 days." There is a guy that goes from nearly 300 pounds and a huge percent of body fat to about 175 and 3% body fat (I think). It is amazing! Thanks for the laugh on this one.

  13. I really liked this article. I liked how you made one benefit of being overweight and think it's a very motivating one. I also liked how you gave examples and ideas of ways to get into better shape and the benefits that come from it.

  14. I loved this blog and found it interesting! I have noticed that people who are over weight and out of shape usually lose weight faster when starting a new exercise program compared to people who are already fit, but I never understood why. It makes sense that their body wants to be fit, so they lose the weight quicker. I think anyone who's out of shape and thinking about getting fit should read this blog; it's inspirational and it sends a great message!

  15. This posting definitly gives motivatioin to those that are out of shape. It has a great way to look at being out of shape. I had never really though about it too much, but I guess that is true how those who need to get in shape can get into shape faster then those who are already in shape and want to improve. Nice blog!

  16. I liked reading this blog! The three things to remember for beginners I think are beneficial to remember even as a person who exercises regularly!! I loved the comment on how being overweight, the pounds just melt off, but when you are in shape it is SO much harder to get those extra pounds off!! I have witnessed this in my quest for fitness!

  17. This is soooo true! I have lost 45 lbs in the last year and they were sooo easy to lose because i was so over weight. But now its killer trying to get the rest of it off! I have hit a plateau and i dont know what to do!

  18. This article made me laugh. I thought that the title was interesting, and I never really thought about being out of shape in that way before. But I guess that this is good news for me because I recently started exercising daily and I'm out of shape.

  19. Being in better shape should be a main goal for most people that I see. This article is great. I love the positive outlook on how even when your overweight you can have such a drastic change with any effort.

  20. I never looked at this way! I do know that it gets extremely hard to get in better shape when your already in good shape. I go to the gym four times a week and I start to feel like im barely seeing any results.

  21. Exercising isn't just phisicaly productive, exercising helps the mind grow, it teaches dicipline and responsibility. Although sometimes it hard to be active, be as active as you can, and you will have a clearer head, and find yourself more focused.
